Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
V. V. Shkarin, I. V. Fomin, T. D. Dmitrienko, A. D. Mikhalchenko, I. N. Yukhnov, D. A. Kovalenko
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, России; Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И. М. Сеченова (Сеченовский Университет), Москва, Россия
In order to develop an algorithm for constructing the occlusal plane and determining the location of occlusal points on the lateral teleradiography in physiological and pathological occlusion, a retrospective analysis of 81 teleradiography was carried out. Material and methods. Teleradiography of 49 people with physiological occlusion and 32 teleradiography of patients with occlusion abnormalities in the vertical direction were studied. The line of the base of the skull was drawn through the standard points, the Dreyfus vertical and the nasal line n-sn were built. Occlusal, gnathic and alveolar-articular lines were built horizontally. The results of the study made it possible to develop an algorithm for constructing the predicted position of the occlusal line and occlusal points, which is based on the construction of a diagnostic articular circle, the radius of which is the distance from the articular point Cond to the distal odontomerer of the second lower molar. The parallelism of the occlusal line with the lower alveolar-articular line and the apical-articular line Cond-A with the lower gnathic horizontal was determined. When measuring the vertical dimensions of the parts of the face, it was found that the optimal ratio of the height of the nasal region (n-sn) to the distance sn-sm was 1.5 ± 0.11. It is proposed to determine the position of apical points A and B with indistinct projection of the apex of medial incisors. Conclusion. Thus, an algorithm for constructing an occlusal line and determining the position of occlusal points on lateral teleradiography has been developed, which makes it possible to predict the position of teeth in case of malocclusion. The algorithm is based on the construction of the diagnostic articular circumference and nasal vertical, as well as the determination of the proportionality between the height of the nasal and gnathic parts of the face
teleradiography, occlusal line, articular horizontal, variant anatomy of the mandible, Apical bases of the jaws
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