Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
Vladimir V. Shkarin, Victoria V. Ivasheva, Olga S. Emelyanova, Stanislav V. Simakov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
This paper analyzed the results of a questionnaire survey of clinical residents to assess their professional view of the prob-lem of patient safety in medical institutions. An original questionnaire consisting of 26 questions was developed to study residents' opin¬ions. The survey was conducted during 2023 on a voluntary basis among the 1st and 2nd year clinical residents of VolgGMU of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia. The results of the survey suggest that a significant proportion of respondents (from 30 to 49 % de¬pending on the topic of the questions) do not consider the provision of medical care safety as an urgent and priority task and are not confident in the need to work systematically in this direction. The attitude to the problem of medical care safety, as revealed by the sur¬vey, indicates that clinical residents have insufficient knowledge of existing systemic approaches, the regulatory framework, the experi¬ence of domestic and foreign healthcare, and not entirely correct ideas about the role of organizational measures in reducing risks and the actions required of medical staff when an adverse event is detected. In our opinion, the results of the survey especially point to the necessity of introducing specialized training modules devoted to safety in medical care into the training programs for clinical residents of all specialties.
safety, medical care, residents, sociological study
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