Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
M. A. Alborova, L. A. Davydenko, N. I. Latyshevskaya, L. P. Slivina, T. V. Zhukova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
The analysis of the prevalence of chronic general somatic diseases, the diagnoses of which are established during prelimi-nary and periodic medical examinations, is an important criterion for the development of professional risk management mechanisms and allows to preserve professional health [4]. The analysis of morbidity was carried out based on the results of periodic medical examinations of machine operators of the metal-harvesting shop. Observation groups - two groups of machine operators (experience <5 years and >5 years) and engi-neering and technical workers (IT), comparable in age and experience. It is shown that diseases of the musculoskeletal system (CMS), cardiovascular, respiratory systems occupy priority ranking places in the structure of the morbidity of machine workers. A higher incidence of CMS diseases was established in comparison with the control group, an increase in the number of cases of diseases in the dynamics of work experience. It is concluded that the high prevalence and unfavorable dynamics of CMS dis¬eases are due to the working conditions of workers (lifting and carrying weights, working posture "standing"). Based on the r e- sults of the study, practical recommendations have been developed to optimize the conditions and organization of work of ma¬chine operators.
machine operators, morbidity, working conditions, interrelation
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