Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
G. R. Sagitova, A. A. Antonova, M. Ya. Ledyaev, D. M. Faradzhova, R. R. Kubekova , Z. S. Osmaeva , K. K. Jabrailova , P. M. Abdulaeva
Астраханский государственный медицинский университет, Астрахань, Россия; Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
The vast majority of human diseases are primarily due to their lifestyle and everyday behavior. The purpose of the work is to assess the level of awareness of young people in certain aspects of personal hygiene. An anonymous voluntary survey was con¬ducted among 110 students of the medical and pediatric faculties, the second year of study. The absolute majority of students (96,4 %) stated that they were aware of the rules of personal hygiene. In the survey, 84,5 % of respondents wash their hands before eating when visiting catering places, and 14,5 % - sometimes. Of these, 50,9 % prefer to use a disinfectant solution and only 48,2 % prefer a soapy solution. According to university students, the main reason for non-compliance with hand hygiene rules is: insufficient aware¬ness of the problem (86,4 %), lack of time (33,6 %), forgetfulness (76,4 %!), lack of conditions and environment (58,2 %), other (5,5 %). The results of the study showed a lack of awareness of young people about the rules of personal hygiene.
students, awareness, healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene
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