Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
M. G. Shepetyuk, E. V. Chaplygina, O. A. Kaplunova, O. P. Sukhanova, I. M. Blinov, I. O. Mikhalchich
Ростовский государственный медицинский университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
he aim: to determine the typical features of the linear dimensions of the facial skull with its various forms according to spiral computed tomography. The results of CT scan of 100 people of both sexes aged 16 to 88 years were analyzed. X-ray computed tomography was performed on a Brilliance 64 Slice multislice spiral X-ray computed tomograph (Philips Medical Systems, the Netherlands) at the Department of Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Computed Tomography of Rostov State Medical University for suspected cerebrovascular pathology. The shape of the facial skull was determined by the size of the cranial index. On SCT to assess the typical features of the linear dimensions of the facial skull using the "fan" method When determining the shape of the facial skull on SCT in the study group, the following distribution was revealed: euryens make up 46 % (n = 46), mezenes – 35 % (n = 35) and leptens – 19 % (n = 19). As a result of the study, typical regularities in the severity of the linear dimensions of the facial skull of euryens, mezens and leptens were revealed. The data obtained during the work can be used in the analysis of SCT data, assessment of the degree of asymmetry and deformation of the skull bones in the clinical practice of plastic and maxillofacial surgeons, as well as specialists in the field of radiation diagnostics and forensic medicine.
facial skull, craniometry, asymmetry, multislice computed tomography, anthropometry
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