Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 611.716.4.013

On the issue about the development and structure of the lower jaw in human prenatal ontogenesis

A. V. Neprokina, E. D. Lutsay

Оренбургский государственный медицинский университет, Россия


This research presents a review of the literature about the development and structure of the lower jaw in the intermedi- ate fetal period of the human prenatal ontogenesis for the period from 1971 to 2021. The goal of this work was an analysis of the modern ideas about the development, structure and anomalies of the hu- man lower jaw in the prenatal period of ontogenesis. According to the literature data the stages of prenatal ontogenesis of the lower jaw are grouped in connection with its main anatomical structures: bone tissue, teeth, vessels, mandibular nerve, surrounding tissues of the floor of oral cavity. The anomalies of the lower jaw are closely associated with a violation of its ontogenesis in the prenatal period. All main anomalies of the lower jaw are divided into the pathology of bone tissue, teeth and combined. The concomitant lesions are most often observed. According to the literature data, the ultrasound method is the gold standard of prenatal screening. The number of researches using the intravital imaging methods prevails over morphological by 2.2 times. The lower jaw is the subject of research by both domestic and foreign scientists in the ratio of 45% and 55% respective- ly. The main part of scientific researches of domestic and foreign authors is mainly associated with the study of structure of the lower jaw (50%), the prenatal ontogenesis of the lower jaw (28%) and the anomalies of development (22%). Domestic and foreign researchers most of all studied the shape, size, type of the lower jaw. The peak of published scientific works on the issue about the development and structure of the lower jaw falls on the period from 2001 to 2010.

Ключевые слова

lower jaw, ontogenesis, anatomy, anomalies, intravital visualization

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