Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
A. O. Soloviev, A. A. Vorobiev, E. V. Litvina, A. S. Mazunov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра оперативной хирургии и топографической анатомии; Медицинское научно-производственное объединение «Клиника «Движение»; Волгоградский научный медицинский центр
The aim of the presented clinical and experimental non-randomized prospective study, based on the data of 60 experiments, performed on 16 dogs, and 64 clinical cases, was to study morphological changes in the wall of a complex pararectal fistula when exposed to ultrasound. The patented hardware surgical complex «Proxon» according to the author's method was used as a source of ultrasonic influence.
pararectal fistula, morphological structure of the pararectal fistula, ultrasound exposure, non-surgical methods of treatment of pararectal fistulas
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