Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 611.353+611.673

Features of the female perineum anthropometry according to the literature

A. A. Vorobyev, A. O. Solovyev, M. Sh.-M. Omar, S. A. Finageev, D. A. Shkoda

Кафедра оперативной хирургии и топографической анатомии ВолгГМУ; Волгоградский научный медицинский центр


There is no uniform systematic method of anthropometry of the female perineum that meets the requirements of coloproctologists, obstetricians-gynecologists and plastic surgeons. The team of authors have not found in the literature the tool for research of the number of characteristics in coloproctology, although other experts use pelvimeter, a ruler or a compass. Also there are no examples in the literature of testing and implementation of uniform characteristics of perine- al anthropometry for the needs of urogynecologists, coloproctologists and plastic surgeons.

Ключевые слова

anthropometry of the perineum, pelvimetry, the index of Solovyov, the width of the pubic symphysis, the height of the pubic symphysis and the lateral and longitudinal distance of the perineum, small and large labia, the height of the perineum

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