Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 616-053.32

Total colonic aganglionosis in extremely premature infant

N. V. Maluzhinskaya, I. V. Petrova, V.M. Nishchenkova

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра детских болезней педиатрического факультета


The article describes the clinical case of total colonic aganglionosis in a premature infant. The study of the diagnosis characteristics this pathology with specific example is demonstrating the importance of duly determination diagnosis with the aim of decrease term of treatment and rehabilitation in premature infants. The use of histochemical biopsy of large intestine is one of the key elements in the process of diagnosing total colonic aganglionosis, which allow to confirm a diagnosis this pathology still in the neonatal period.

Ключевые слова

newborns, premature infants, Hirschsprung's disease, total colonic aganglionosis, necrotizing enterocolitis, histochemical examination, biopsy of large intestine

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