Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 615.356:796.071.2

Intake of medications boosting mental and physical performance by sportsmen: effectiveness and safety revisited

E. G. Vershininh, V. B. Mandrikov, V. V. Delarue

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра медицинской реабилитации и спортивной медицины с курсом медицинской реабилитации, лечебной физкультуры, спортивной медицины, физиотерапии факультета усовершенствования врачей; кафедра общей и


The present study (anonymous questionnaire survey of 120 physicians working in the field of sports medicine, 89 coaches and 197 sportsmen aged 18 and above) showed that intake of registered medications (various polyvitamins/minerals, biologically active food supplements and other) to boost mental and physical performance does not ensure any improvement in performance and presents certain risks of health problems developing later.

Ключевые слова

sportsmen, effectiveness and safety of medications boosting mental and physical performance

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