Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
D. . Kazantsev, . S. Popov, . V. Strygin, . I. orkovin, . . Tolkachev
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии с трансфузиологией ФУВ; афедра фундаментальной медицины и биологии; Лаборатория геномных и протеомных исследований ВМНЦ; Лаборатория клинической фармакологии ВМ
Currently used balanced crystalloids vary in their composition and properties, however only spare amount of compara- tive data regarding their effects on different parameters of systemic homeostasis is available so far. The goal of the pre- sented pilot retrospective observational study was to compare the effects of two frequently administered acetate-based crystalloid solutions – Sterofundin® Isotonic (group 1) and Ionosteril® (group 2) on acid-base state and hemodynamic pa- rameters in patients (n = 51) who underwent abdominal operations. Performed data analysis revealed no statistically significant between-group differences in pH, bicarbonate concentration, chloride and lactate levels within the whole peri- od of monitoring. Meanwhile, differences in other acid-base parameters, namely, base excess (BE) and anion gap (AG) were statistically significant, but the clinical importance of these differences remains questionable. No significant differ- ences in basic hemodynamic parameters were observed that serve as proof that infusion support with both crystalloids was adequate, and sustainable hemodynamic stability was provided in all patients.
crystalloid solution, acid-base state, hemodynamics, infusion therapy, acetate-аnion, observational study
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