Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 614.8:61:355.58+614.23

Socio-psychological attitudes of the doctor in the context of their preparedness for activities in emergency situations at the undergraduate stage of their professional development

S. V. Poroysky, A. D. Donika, M. V. Eremina

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра медицины катастроф


The article discussed the influence of socio-psychological attitudes of the doctor on the development of their preparedness for activities in emergency situations in the process of professional training. The findings of the study of socio-psychological orientation of medical students were provided. The study is significant as it makes it possible to predict future professional conduct of doctors in emergency situations. The results of the study demonstrated the optimal regularity for the professional field which enabled us to recommend the methodology in question to assess the readiness of professionals to perform activities in emergency situations. The materials of the study can be applied to optimize the basics of the methodological training of medical professionals working in emergency situations.

Ключевые слова

professional preparedness, emergency situations, mental stability

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