Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 616.314-007.23

Rehabilitation of patients with amelogenesis imperfecta (a case report)

D. I. Fursik, T. I. Fursik

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра стоматологии детского возраста


Amelogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder which affects enamel formation. Clinical manifestations of amelogenesis imperfecta include attrition, progressive loss of occlusal height, hypersensitivity and tooth decay. The patients often experience aesthetic defects leading to psychological instability. Timely diagnostics and comprehensive treatment are of critical importance in rehabilitation of patients with amelogenesis imperfect.

Ключевые слова

amelogenesis imperfecta, genetic conseling

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