Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
A. I. Krayushkin, E. G. Bagriy, E. A. Aliyeva
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, 1 кафедра анатомии человека 2 ГБУ РД «Махачкалинский родильный дом № 2», г. Махачкала, Республика Дагестан
A morphological and histological study of the structural components of the placenta to identify the influence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and frequent labour in the past medical history on the structure of the placenta was conducted. Placental growth retardation and abnormalities as well as various degenerative and necrotic changes in all structural elements of the villous chorion were found to occur more frequently in pluripara women.
placenta, asymptomatic bacteriuria, pluripara women.
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