Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice
M. S. Selikhova, N. V. Agabekjan, S. B. Pankratov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра акушерства и гинекологии
The objective of this study was to optimize postpartum management of obstetric patients with trauma of birth canal soft tissues due to a differentiated approach considering the risk of infection and using state of the art suturing techniques. The approach includes a combination drug Depathenol that produces a regenerative, antiseptic and metabolic effect. A clinical study of Depanthenol administered to postpartum patients with trauma of birth canal soft tissues indicates its greater effectiveness compared with conventional methods of suture care, due to the accelerated regenerative effect
birth trauma, reproductive health, differentiated approach, Depanthenol.
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