Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 547.915:621.892

G. M. Butov, P. M. Vassiliev, O. M. Ivankina, T. V. Rudakova, M. V. Kriakunov, V. N. Zinovieva

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Научно-исследовательский институт фармакологии, Волжский политехнический институт, ОАО «Волжский оргсинтез»


The paper presents experimental findings of toxicology study and investigation of mutagenic properti es of N,N-dicyclohexyl-2-benzthiazolylsulfenamide (sulfenamide DC). We discuss a computerized prediction of carcinogenic effects of sulfonamide DC made with Microcosm IT. It was shown that sulfonamide is an agent is a lowrisk substance.

Ключевые слова

sulfenamide DC, toxicology study, mutagenic properties, carcinogenic risk, computerized prediction, Microcosm IT


Studyof Sulfenamide DC sanit ary and toxicologyproperties

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