Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 615.3:547.854.4

Antiviral agents. IV. Synthesis of 1-[4-(aryl)butyl]uracil derivatives

Babkov D. A., Paramonova M. P., Ozerov A. A., Novikov M. C.

Кафедра фармацевтической и токсикологической химии ВолгГМУ, лаборатория фармацевтической химии ВНЦ РАМН


Novel 1-[4-(aryl)butyl]uracil derivatives were obtained via sylil-Hilbert-Johnson reaction between 2,4-bis(trimethylsyliloxy)pyrimidine and corresponding 4-(aryl)butyl bromides with the purpose of investigating the synthetic approach to new potent non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse trascriptase inhibitors. Target compounds were characterized by their physico-chemical and spectral properties.

Ключевые слова

synthesis, uracil, 2,4-bis(trimethylsilyloxy)pyrimidine, potential antiviral agents

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