Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly Journal of Science and Practice

UDK: 541.8

High-frequency dielectric measurements of potassium and sodium nitrate solutions in formamide

Z. A. Filimonova, A. K. Lyashchenko

Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Институт общей и неорганической химии им. Н. С. Курнакова РАН*


The high-frequency components of complex dielectric permittivity of potassium and sodium nitrate solutions in formamide and their corresponding values of electroconductivity were measured in a wide range of concentrations and temperatures. Temperature dependences of the real part of complex dielectric permittivity e(1/Т) of potassium and sodium nitrate solutions in formamide were analyzed. The possibility of using the same apparatus under the same conditions was researched in order to study the entire series of solutions beginning with the solutions in pure water, up to solutions in pure formamide – without apparatus restructuring, additional graduation or additional error introduction.

Ключевые слова

dielectric spectroscopy, formamide, solutions of potassium and sodium nitrate, dielectric permittivity, electroconductivity, temperature dependence

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